Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

VLA, Very Large Array, Mars, Plains Of San Augustine, NM

VLA, Very Large Array with Mars on the Plains Of San Augustine, New Mexico. I made a quick overnight trip south to meet my friend Larry to photograph the Very Large Array (The National Radio Astronomy Observatory) on the Plains of San Augustine near Magdelena, N.M. We wanted to get some of the antennas lined up with the Milky Way, Mars, the Moon, and Venus. In the image below, Mars appears to be acquired by the antenna. The trail of lights is a steady stream of employee cars arriving at 6 am this morning. They used to arrive by shuttle buses, Covid 19 changed that. More to follow. Thanks for looking. G

VLA, Very Large Array, Mars, Plains Of San Augustine, NM

4 thoughts on “VLA, Very Large Array, Mars, Plains Of San Augustine, NM”

  1. Hi it’s not good how light is taking over we have a new shopping centre near us and light from adervertising and building external light is evident early in the morning. Still had a good sliver of moon at 6:45 good to see natural changes. Thankyou

    • It’s a problem everywhere. We have a designated dark sky area in the San Luis Valley, near where we live. Glad you got to see the moon. Thanks, Alison. G

  2. All those cars with 1-2 staff members all the way from Socorro twice a day…
    The cranes are overhead in La Junta today, one group was circling over my house to find currents to gain altitude or a better southerly wind, third week of November they will all be south of Albuquerque.
    Great fun, looking forward to your other astroshots!

    • That’s a lot of miles each way. Looking forward to cranes. I’ll head out next week in search of. I hope you get some good shots. It was a good although short trip. Thanks Larry. G


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