Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week more black and white images. I had some time over the last few days to wallow in the hard drives, throw a virtual dart at the folders, and see what showed up.

I wanted to convert this color image to black and white after I posted it in color a few weeks ago. Over the years, I have created a large collection of images from the San Luis Valley. I’ll add this one to the black-and-white folder. You can download a PDF file I made on the San Luis Valley here.

Red barn, Colorado in black and white
Red Barn, San Luis Valley, Colorado.

The tree is long gone but the flat top peak, Cerro Pedernal, stands like a beacon and can be seen from multiple locations around northern, NM.

Cerro Pedernal and tree Rio Chama road, NM
Cerro Pedernal and tree Rio Chama road, NM.

Many places in the southwest US are deteriorating and ultimately wind up going back to earth. How quickly they reach their demise, depends on the materials they are made of. Adobe, wood, and tin seem to get there quicker than the plastic one sees everywhere these days. I shot the image below in November 2017.

Adobe building ruin, Villanueva, NM
Adobe ruin, Villanueva, NM.

Wandering through the files from a trip to Britain in 2013 with Pami, I came across this image shot on the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, on the Northumbria Coast of northeast England. I’m guessing this boat, which wasn’t sea-worthy back then, has probably been overturned and is now used as a storage shed.

Lindisfarne, Holy Island, Northumbria, England
Lindisfarne, Holy Island, Northumbria, England.

An overturned fishing boat was reclaimed and made into a storage shed.

Overturned fishing boat, Lindisfarne, England
Beach shed and Lindisfarne Castle, England.

I always shoot a scene in color but sometimes a scene cries out for black and white. Sometimes the day and lighting inspire me to shoot for a later conversion.

I shot the picture below in color and converted it to black and white. It was taken on the Thames Embankment in November 2013.

Gulls over Westminster, London, UK
Someone was feeding the gulls.

As always thank you for all the kind words comments and compliments. Have a great week. G.

20 thoughts on “Black And White. 11-08-2023”

  1. Yes, these are great. I appreciate seeing your black and whites, as well. This photo of the seagulls is really lovely. Thank you for sharing your vision.

  2. I love the light on the tail feathers, as well as the light on the edge of the wings. Yes, Black and White, the right choice.

  3. Twice I had a blast feeding french fries to them at La Jolla Cove, CA and chips at Avemore, Scotland. As much fun for me as for the gulls.

  4. Hi I have been lucky to visit Lindisfarn on two occasions this summer thanks for the memories reading a good crime novel titled holy island.
    Sadly the Sycamore tree was felled whilst I was away so sad.
    Memorable day when eastern gentleman
    had his fish taken by a gull when he turned to take a photo in Portree Isle of Skye. Thankyou Alison

    • Thanks for sharing your continuing stories that connect us. I took out a gentleman from England a couple of weeks ago. He keeps a place in Bamburgh. I would like to go again someday.
      One time, outside a pub in Wales a full flew overhead and dropped one in my beer, and it wasn’t a chip! Thank you Alison. G


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