Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Happy Summer Solstice, 06-21-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. Happy Summer Solstice from here to where you are. I post the image below every summer solstice since I shot it, on June 20, 2018. I like it! This year it is scheduled to appear in the New Mexico Treasures Calendar, 2024.

The first day of summer arrives with the solstice this year on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, at 8:58 a.m. MDT.

The solstice isn’t a whole day, it’s a moment.

Here’s a summer solstice “moment” in black and white, shot in Plaza Blanca, Abiquiu, NM

Plaza Blanca Summer Solstice Moment
Plaza Blanca Summer Solstice Moment, Abiquiu, NM.

If you want to see what Plaza Blaca looks like on the outside, here’s a shot of rock and cloud formations.

Plaza Blanca rocks and sky, Abiquiu, NM
Plaza Blanca rocks and sky.

Here’s another moment I shot in Plaza Blanca on June 22, 2022.

Summer solstice Plaza Blanca
Plaza Blanca, June 22, 2022.

There’s no place like Chaco Canyon to experience the passing moments of the seasons. Here I am sitting under a picnic ramada with a view of the sacred rock formation, Fajada Butte.

The solar eclipse is coming up later in the year. I’m planning on a trip to Chaco Canyon with the rest of the state. We’ll see what happens with those plans.

As always, thank you for looking. It’s a privilege to share my photography with you. G

20 thoughts on “Happy Summer Solstice, 06-21-2023”

  1. Wonderful photos – especially appreciated Plaza Blanca and Fajada Butte pics. Always feel many mixed emotions seeing pics of places I know so well but too long ago visited in person by now.
    Cheers M

    • Thank you, Mara. Don’t stay away too long. I know the feeling. I haven’t been since before Covid. I’ll be there before this year ends. G

  2. Magic Thankyou. What an amazing cloud formation if you had painted it you would be told you had got it wrong. Ha ha nature has the last laugh.

  3. Surely some of your most intriguing and compelling photos. The precision is awesome. Thank you for posting these images. Take care. jim


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