Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Nature’s Fireworks, San Cristobal, NM. 07-05-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM.

New Mexico, is not the fireworks capital of the universe but certainly the aerial bombardment capital of other projectiles. In the spirit of wanting to keep our dogs safe from audible shock treatment, I posted nature’s fireworks on Facebook yesterday, and it received a number of comments and compliments. Below is an expanded version of the post with almost all of the flowers I’ve shot in the garden this year to date.

Nature's fireworks, San Cristobal
Nature’s Fireworks, San Cristobal, NM

The first of four supermoons this summer looked splendid as it rose over the northern flanks of Taos Mountain, (Pueblo Peak) this week. There are two supermoons (one a blue moon) in August and another in September.

Supermoon rise Taos Mountain
Supermoon rise, Taos Mountain.

As always, have a great week, and thanks for looking. G

12 thoughts on “Nature’s Fireworks, San Cristobal, NM. 07-05-2023”

  1. The supermen rise shot is a supershot. And the flowers taken separately and together are a fantastic step up over routine July 4th bursts of color. Well done.

  2. Enjoyed the flower shots .
    Natures fire works amazing colours.
    Thanks for lighting the touch paper.
    Still look at the moon here and think of
    you and others across the pond.
    It was your mum that started that one for me.

    • Thanks, Alison. Mom always said that. I looked up at the moon and knew you would be looking too. I miss her very much. I’m happy to know you are looking up too. G

    • Hi Patrick. Thanks so much. It can be done in Photoshop which is a little more finicky creating all the layers, so I took a screenshot off the computer screen, which is high res enough for my website and it took about a minute to size it for the page. Thanks again. G


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