Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Arroyo Blanco, Balloons, Moon, Jupiter. 11-01-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week Arroyo Blanco, Abiquiu. Some abstract balloon images from the Taos Mountain Balloon Rally last weekend, and our Moon and Jupiter over northern New Mexico.

After two weeks of photo tours in the area with Harlan I’m finally going through images of some of the places we visited.

We visited Abiquiu and Arroyo Blanco, twice. We couldn’t get enough of it in the beautiful autumn light.

Arroyo Blanco, Abiquiu, NM
Landscape in Arroyo Blanco, Abiquiu, NM.

The strangely wonderful moonscape landscape in the “white arroyo”.

Landscape, Abiquiu, NM
On the ground in Abiquiu, NM.

On our second trip to Abiquiu we made a short detour to La Madera for this scene. It has always fascinated me.

door/wall, la Madera, NM
The door is the wall, La Madera, NM.

On the last day of touring we went to Taos Mountain Balloon Rally. A few balloons lifted off but winds were higher than anticipated so we photographed them on the ground instead. Shadowy figures zip up the envelope as it’s inflated.

Balloon shadows Taos Mountain Balloon Rally
Balloon shadows at the Taos Mountain Balloon Rally.
Balloon interior Taos Mountain Balloon Rally
Checking the ropes!
Balloon shadows Taos Mountain Balloon Rally
Balloon interior Taos Mountain Balloon Rally
Unfurling during inflating the balloon.
Balloon heart design

In the words of actor/author David Niven, “the moon’s a balloon”.

To cap off the week the moon met up with the planet Jupiter. Eerie enough for Hallooween. Jupiter is closest to earth during all of 2023 tonight.

Moon and Jupiter
Moon and Jupiter.

As always, thanks for looking. G

10 thoughts on “Arroyo Blanco, Balloons, Moon, Jupiter. 11-01-2023”

  1. I have family in the ABQ and Taos areas and have visited many times over the years. Your beautiful photos always make me feel closer to them and I am grateful for that.

  2. At Abiqui is the blanca soil from volcanic ash?
    The black velvet hosting La Luna y El Jupiter is dramatic and beautiful.
    Your photos of the balloons is unique. I especially enjoyed seeing the modern-day Wizard Behind-the-Curtain from the Wizard of Oz!

    • I think the geological make up of the whole area is related to the volcanic activity. It was a fun week of image making. Thanks so much, Joy. G

  3. Magic as always and cheered me up Thankyou.
    You capture the artistry of moon and sky’s perfectly.
    Enjoyed the ballon shots. You manage to find a new perspective.

    • Visiting places numerous times inspire me to look for new angles and subject matter. I’m glad you like the images and I’m happy to hear they cheered you up.
      I hope you are well. Thanks Alison. G


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