Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

“Have a Seat” Bareiss Gallery, Taos.

Greetings from San Cristobal, New Mexico.

Friday is the day for the opening of my solo exhibit, “Have a Seat”. You’ll see what it’s all about if you are able to attend the opening or visit the exhibition during the month of October in Taos.

Below is one of the prints in the show. My photography is combined with my sculpture to create a show where the chair is the conversation.

Geraint Smith at Bareiss Gallery Taos
“One in the Aspens”

Artist Statement

“Have A Seat” – Bareiss Gallery

What you see before you is the confluence of my life experiences where I have explored relationships, the search, and the desire for connection. Photography, carpentry, design, writing, and sculpting have led me to this place. This work is the exuberant expression of a eureka moment, and there have been many such moments with their outward manifestation of inner joy, conflict, passion, and peace.

Life is a conversation. Chairs often facilitate that conversation. A chair is where people sit, gather around a table to discuss and resolve conflicts, share a meal, and debate views and values. We sit in chairs to be entertained. We stand on chairs to reach things when a ladder would be much safer. A chair represents a place to rest and experience a relaxing moment; to read a book, enjoy the view, catch one’s breath, or just do nothing and stare. A chair is where old friends reminisce, discuss life, and hold conversations.

In these new pieces, the chairs become the conversation. The chair is a constant, emotion-evoking icon.

Geraint Smith
San Cristobal, NM

October 7, 2022

Geraint Smith Exhibit at the Bareiss Galley Taos

If you are fortunate enough to be in Taos during October, join me at the Bareiss Gallery. Details above. I look forward to seeing you.

As always thank you for looking. G

7 thoughts on ““Have a Seat” Bareiss Gallery, Taos.”

  1. Wishing you all the best with your exhibit, Geraint. I’m sure it will be spectacular. I have to pass on an NM trip this year, so will sorely miss seeing our work.

    • Thanks so much Rob. Sorry you won’t make NM this year. I look forward to seeing you when you make it here next. Stay well. G

  2. I LOVE your artist’s statement. What a cool, cool, theme. Here’s hoping that lucky attendees will appreciate your genius.

    • Thank you so much Larry. That means a lot. We shall see the response in a couple of days. I like your response!!! Keep the photos coming. G


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