Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Little Birds, Happy Neighborhood. 03-22-23

Greetings from the San Cristobal Valley, NM. This week a series of images of some of the little birds that frequent our area of the planet, more precisely, our valley.

I hope you enjoy the following gallery of little birds.

Mountain Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley
Eastern Bluebird, a little bird that frequents our valley.
Juvenile white crowned sparrow
Juvenile White-crowned Sparrow.
Pine Siskin
Pine Siskin.

A Cassin’s Finch so I was told. It could be a glorious house finch.

Cassin's Finch little bird
Cassin’s Finch.
White Breasted Nuthatch
White Breasted Nuthatch.
Brewers Blackbird
Brewer’s Blackbird.
Northern Flicker
Northern Flicker.
Brown Headed Cowbird
Brown-headed Cowbird.

For the last few years, we’ve had a solitary Canyon Towhee in our garden. This shot was taken in a canyon, no less.

Canyon Towhee
Canyon Towhee.
American Robins
American Robins.

Woodhouse’s or Western Scrub-Jay?

Woodhouse's Western Scrub-Jay
Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay, I think!

This is a Pinyon Jay, that I’m sure of. They have arrived in large flocks in the valley over the last two years, groups of a hundred to a few thousand.

Pinyon Jay
Pinyon Jay.
Song Sparrow
Song Sparrow.
Spotted Towhee
Spotted Towhee.
Townsend's Solitaire
Townsend’s Solitaire.
Rock Wren
Rock Wren.
Mountain Chickadee
Mountain Chickadee.
Western Tanager
Western Tanager.
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds
Bullocks Oriole with Hummingbirds.

The Red-winged Blackbirds nest in the cattails. Right about now there is a frenzy of activity and nest-building. The males are kept on their guard protecting the nesting spot.

Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird.

The Magpie is every dog’s nemesis. They taunt our dogs and of course, our dogs take the bait.


This Evening Grosbeak was stunned following a window strike. I put it on the fence to recover. It did. Ten minutes later, it flew up into the crabapple tree.

Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak.
Western Meadowlark
Western Meadowlark.

This Northern Pygmy Owl would fit into a teacup and is smaller than most of the birds above.

Northern Pygmy Owl one of the little birds
Northern Pygmy Owl.

Not one of the truly little birds but not large either. It’s about the size of an American Crow.

Greater Roadrunner
Greater Roadrunner.
American Crow
American Crow.

Finally one of the rare visitors to the valley. I only spotted one Lewis’s Woodpecker this last year. Two years ago there were three at one time in the Ash tree.

Lewis's Woodpecker
Lewis’s Woodpecker

Little birds rock the valley, my heart and soul.

Happy Spring.

As always, thank you for looking, and for all the comments, compliments, and well wishes. G

48 thoughts on “Little Birds, Happy Neighborhood. 03-22-23”

  1. Geraint,

    Thank you!

    These Little “creatures” help us “humans” survive with awe and hope they will continue to be the enlightment.


    • Such a delight to see each little one in such crisp detail, in a still photo accompanied by your commentary and their names. I love my multi bird/ residents but don’t know all their names. They are so fast and flighty I rarely get to examine their unique details … thank you Geraint

      • It’s quite an experience to look at these creatures up close and see all the details when watching them. It feels such a privilege to see every feather detail and clarity of their behavior and nature. Thank you Patricia. G

  2. I really have enjoyed looking at these wonderful photos of birds. Thank you for putting a name on them. I would like to learn to know these guys by name. Thanks again.

    • I have books and an app or two and I still make ID mistakes. It took me a while and when I’m doubt I email a friend. Thanks so much Robert. I really appreciate it. G

  3. Wonderful to see you rocking with the birds. They really put an energetic field into our landscapes.
    This is a really nice collection of bird portraits. I’m glad you spent the time, I know you enjoyed it!

    • Thank you so much, Gary. I thoroughly enjoyed it. In 2006 I purchased a 500mm lens and prior to that I used a 300mm. I was hooked the first time I watched two flycatchers feeding their chicks in a tree on the banks of the Rio Chama. G

  4. Hi Geraint!
    As a bird lover, this is such a thrill for me to see these photos. Many of which I’ve seen while visiting Ashley in Taos! Thank you for sharing these beauties!

    • Thanks so much, Trish. I’m glad you get see these birds when you visit. I hope you and your family are well. Best wishes. G

  5. Beautiful photos! I will keep this for reference. Now if you could just photograph the bald eagle that rests in a tree for the 2nd year near our road. It’s a bit too far to capture w/ my iphone! Thanks.

    • I plan on posting big birds next week unless something else pops up. Thank you, Norma. I don’t know where your road is but I’ve photographed many eagles in the area. One maybe “yours”. G

  6. What a great collection. You’ve captured expressions on their faces, which is tough. And it is an unusual group, and judging by the many replies it seems tou have a future in bird photography!

    • That’s a really nice compliment. Thank you, Larry and thank you for your help with the ID. I look forward to going birding with you soon. G

  7. Such a glorious line-up of these exquisite birds! So glad the evening grosbeak recovered after banging into the glass.

    Seems to me there’s been an increase in Robins wintering over. Do you see that?

  8. Through the years I’ve taken pictures of almost all these birds…I guess we are all in the same neighborhood. I’ve captured their songs through the App “Birdnet”…part of Cornell Ornithology site. I love the sound of the hauntingly strong call of the little Pine Siskin and the melodious House, or Cassin’s finch. The one note Townsends Solitaire drives me crazy when I’m out working in the yard. The one I miss terribly is the song of the Western Meadowlark. I used to hear them all of the time here on the mesa; but only heard one call, one time last Spring. My ear is always tuned to its glorious song.
    Thanks, Geraint. These are exquisite.

    • Thanks so much for sharing, Jo. I am partial to the single note of the solitaire. I had one outside my office window consistently after my attention. The is a meadowlark at sushi a la hatori every spring. He was there last Thursday evening! Check it out! Cheers. G

  9. I was housesitting in Las Campanas, Santa Fe with 18″ of snow. Pinyon Jays were flitting just above the snow-clad bows of a short pinyon pine. It looked like a perfectly shaped Christmas tree decorated with living blue bird ornaments. One of my favorite memories.

    • Wow. I bet it was a sight to feast the eyes on. Thank you for sharing this, Joy. I really appreciate it. Best wishes. G

  10. Watching birds is one of my favorite pastimes. Many of the ones in your amazing pictures come to my feeders and seeing such details of their feathers is such a treat. My favorite are the Towees who are so cheeky and come into my house when my patio door is open, when the weather gets warmer of course. and check out the place. I give them names and I swear the Spotted one knows his (Rufus) as when I see him and call his name he will come right up to me.
    I look forward to your next posting of the larger birds.

    • I find bird watching is addicting. I’ve been hooked since I was six years old in South Wales. Thanks to my parents we had feeders and bird books for ID ever since. Thank you for sharing, June and I hope Rufus returns again. I like to think the same birds get to visit yesr after year. Best wishes. G

  11. Mil, mil gracias, amigo!
    SUCH a treat.
    We have smaller populations and less variety in the city, so it lifts the heart to regard such a profusion of songbirds. All at lacks is aural accompaniment…buy that’s a bigger project…
    These are such bright, lively, almost chipper, images, I want to roll through them again and again.
    Thanks again–Woody

    • Thank you so much, Woody. I really appreciate your compliments and insights. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for sharing my work on FB. Your friend. Geraint.

  12. These were such a beautiful treat to see! Such clear, detailed photos of birds we don’t often get to see where I live in ND. Thank you for sharing, it blessed my day!


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