Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Northern New Mexico, Archive Selections. 03-15-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal in the beautiful mountains of northern New Mexico.

I threw virtual darts at the archives this week, and the following images popped up. Northern New Mexico has continued to excite me for forty years. Here’s to many more.

The first two shots were taken during drives around the extended neighborhood, with the first on an evening photo shoot with friends from Kansas City.

Reflections in a large snow melt puddle Arroyo Seco, Northern New Mexico
Reflections in a large snow melt puddle, Arroyo Seco, New Mexico.

Nearby is a more expansive view across the meadow to the mountains with winter colors.

Des Montes and Taos mountains
Des Montes and the mountains of Taos.

I did a one-day shoot for AAA New Mexico Journeys Magazine eight years ago in Bandelier National Monument. The Alcove House pictured was accessible with an exciting climb up numerous, 30′ ladders. It was well worth the ascent with a backpack and tripod.

Alcove House Bandelier National Monument NM
Alcove House, Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico.

The Quarai Ruins at the Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument yielded this image on my third visit to the site. I created this image with three shots stitched vertically, in effect, a vertical panorama. This location isn’t technically northern New Mexico, more like central NM but I like it.

Quarai Salinas Pueblo Missions
Quarai Ruins, Salinas Pueblo Missions National Monument.

Refrain from stacking stones in Chaco Culture National Historical Park. I heard the Park Service tore it down shortly after I shot it. I know it wasn’t there on my next visit.

Cairn, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, Northern New Mexico
Cairn, Chaco Culture National Historical Park, NM.

I enjoy a nice glass of wine when reading a book. Reading “House of Rain”, in the landscape it depicts was a perfect pairing. Thanks to Craig Childs for the many virtual adventures.

House of Rain, Craig Childs
Reading “House of Rain” by Craig Childs, and drinking wine.

One of the first panoramic shots I made of our mountains has been hanging in the waiting room at our local hospital ever since.

Taos Mountains of northern New Mexico
Taos Mountains sunset shot from across the plateau.

Below is the full moon shot in the Rio Grande Gorge. I love that I can stand on top of the highest point (Wheeler Peak) in New Mexico in the morning and spend the evening deep in the Rio Grande Gorge, watching the full moon grace the ridge cradled by a bare piñon tree.

Moon rise over the Rio Grande Gorge Pilar, NM
Moonrise over the Rio Grande Gorge in Pilar, New Mexico.

As I become more mobile I’m looking forward to working with a number of new and repeat photographer/clients. Join me this spring, summer, and fall on a photo trek around some of the best photo locations northern New Mexico has to offer.

Photography tour workshops
On location in…

As always, thank you for looking. Enjoy your week. G

10 thoughts on “Northern New Mexico, Archive Selections. 03-15-2023”

  1. The bottom photo, second left, looks like Twin Rocks. If not, the twin rocks have twins. When we drove past Chaco Canyon last week we were sad we couldn’t stop. We will be back.

    • That photo is most certainly Twin Rocks. Good eye! I’ve been there many times and like to stay in Bluff when I’m out that way. I hope you make it to Chaco. I hope to get out there again real soon. Thanks, Gary. G

    • It’s a pretty cool place. You would enjoy it. We’ll have to go. Excellent work on your weekly email blast. Thank you, Larry. G

  2. I especially enjoyed the Bandelier image. We’d hiked there in 1971 when we’re were young.and had not begun our family, and when our kids were old enough – 10 and 7 – we drove them from WI in 1982 to see N. NM where we’d lived for a while and took them on a hike up and through Bandelier we all remember because it was blistering hot. Your photos for me so often trigger these important memories-I hope you are aware of the impact and power of your art. It is a gift. Take care. Jim

    • You must have so many wonderful memories of trips here and your time here. Thanks for sharing yours. I really appreciate your fine compliments. Cheers, Jim. G


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