Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Potato bunker storage in the San Luis valley Colorado. It’s about the shadows and highlights and even with the open rafters the exposed air was moist and cool in the midday sun at this underground bunker. This image was made directly west, behind the homestead in the June 3, image. Finding evidence of the odd few pieces of living room furniture, potential lairs of snakes and other sundry reptiles, allowed us a glimpse into a latter day environment that served more than one generation and perhaps gave shelter to more than one species. Thanks for looking. G

potato bunker

4 thoughts on “Abandoned Potato Bunker”

  1. This is a first for me as I had never heard of a potato bunker. My grandparents farmed in the midwest and always had a large garden, too, but no potato bunker. They did have a root cellar. Love the lines in this one.

  2. Growing up in Southeastern Idaho, we called these structures spud cellars. I remember my uncle’s filled full of potatoes after the annual Spud Harvest that took us all out of school to help pick the potatoes

    • Hi Nancy, I like that “spud cellars”. We had cold slabs in the basements for milk and eggs, meats etc when I was growing up. Then we got a fridge. I’m not absolutely sure what the term used for these buildings is in Colorado. Heading that way today so maybe I’ll find someone to tell me. Thanks for looking and the info. G


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