Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week blue and white, another sky over Taos Mountain and one man’s fence.
We’ve had a lot of days recently with blue skies like this. The old adobe buildings especially, and this church, lend themselves to photography on blue-sky days.
Perhaps you prefer the black and white below.
Driving to Taos a few days ago I saw this sight. I think that these were dispersed contrails from a couple of passing jets. It took three wide-angle shots stitched together to get this much of the scene. I didn’t get it all in as it continued and terminated on the horizon to the west over my shoulder. See below.
Here’s a cellphone shot out the car window looking west to the horizon. Highways in the sky.
Robert Frost wrote, “Good fences make good neighbors” in his poem Mending Wall. Below are abstract shots of one man’s fence in Arroyo Hondo, NM. In order of appearance along the roadside, from west to east.
I’ve driven by this window many times but never noticed the thoughtful pattern of the blue and green window panes. There’s always a first time for everything.
As always, thank you for looking. Have a great week. G
5 thoughts on “Blue And White, Taos Mountain, Fences. 02-21-2024.”
Hi Geraint, I really like the illuminated crosses in contrast with the gray building and sky. Very interesting juxtaposition! Alexis
Didn’t Ansel call contrails “skyworms”?
That pair is a doozy!
Another excellent album. The Seco fencing series is outstanding
I like Gary’s reference to “sky worms”
Interesting unusual variety of photos
Thanks you find interest where many of us would just walk past.