Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Equinox, Wildflowers, Fine Art, New Mexico. 09-21-2022

A flashback photo you may remember from a rainy day in the high country of northern New Mexico.

Wildflowers for the equinox in the Valle Vidal, NM
Colors of Autumn in the high country, NM

Taos Artist Combo II Exhibit/Sale
11 Taos Artists/ 3 Days
Stables Gallery/Taos: Sept. 23-25, 11-5 pm
Photography, pastels, prints, and paintings, direct from the artists

*Frederick Aragon *Bill Davis *Audrey Davis
*Gene Gray *Sara Jean Gray *Celesa Lucien
*Rob Nightingale *Margery Readin
*George Schaub *Geraint Smith *Doug Yeager

Opening Reception: Friday,
September 23, 4-7 pm
The Stables Gallery is located at:
133 Paseo del Pueblo Norte Taos, NM 87571

Below are three of the many fine art prints I will be showing in the fall equinox show “Taos Artist Combo II Exhibit” at the Stables Gallery in Taos.

Fine art print Buffalo Eye
Fine art print, “Buffalo” American Bison

Shrine, Los Cerrillos
At the shrine in Los Cerrillos, NM

Morning fog in the valley
Morning fog in the valley, NM

If you are fortunate to be in Taos during the above dates, I hope you will stop by the Stables Gallery to see all the work and say hello! I’ll look forward to seeing and meeting you.

As always, thank you for looking. G

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