Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Iconic Ute Mountain, The Plateau, New Mexico. 03-09-2023

Greetings from San Cristobal. This week some views of Ute Mountain.

Ute Mountain is a free-standing, Dacitic, extinct Pliocene volcanic cone”. That’s a mouthful. Besides being one of my revered peaks, it is also set in one of my favorite areas, the Taos Plateau Volcanic Field and the San Luis Valley. The mountain also lies within the Rio Grande del Norte National Monument.

The images below encompass a span of almost twenty years.

On the home front, I feel the surgery on my foot will make my photo treks much more enjoyable for years to come.

Ute Mountain clouds
A localized weather pattern over Ute Mountain.

Road to Ute mountain
Road to the mountain.

Old sheep corral with Ute Mountain
Old sheep corral out on the plateau.

Ute Mountain on the Taos Plateau
A view from Guadalupe Mountain across the Taos Plateau.

Rio Grande del Norte National Monument
Rio Grande del Norte National Monument. Do you recognize the peak back there?

The image below is the one that initiated my fascination with this iconic landmark. Often, I will take a drive north, a pilgrimage of sorts, to visit the mountain. Click here if you want to see more images.

Near Costilla NM
Near Costilla, New Mexico.

Lastly, a couple of shots from closer to home.

Moon rise, San Cristobal
The moon rise this week from the deck in San Cristobal, NM.

And a view across the plateau and beyond to Cerro Pedernal (not a volcano but very much resembles one), “flint peak” near Abiquiu, NM. Immortalized by the artist Georgia O’Keeffe it can be seen from a vantage point behind our home. In the photo, Cerro Pedernal is probably 65-70 miles as the crow flies. The views out west extend a hundred miles or more on clear days. The vistas open like nowhere else, and the skies go on forever.

Cerro Pedernal shot from Taos, NM
Cerro Pedernal shot from Taos, NM.

As always thank you for looking and visiting. And thank you for all the continued well wishes, comments, and compliments.

If you want the name of a wonderful foot and ankle specialist I can give you a recommendation! G

24 thoughts on “Iconic Ute Mountain, The Plateau, New Mexico. 03-09-2023”

  1. Geraint, thanks for sharing your photos of the wondrous Taos Plateau scenery.
    i hope you continue to heal fully.

  2. As always, I am consoled and inspired by your work. And as always, anything I might say seems trite compared to the images themselves.

    • Ute sure is, always has been for me, long before I began making images of it. Driving to Colorado many times in the nineties it always drew an appreciable glance from me. Thank you, Mark. G

    • Thank you, Barbara. I’m very fortunate to be able to visit many locations many times, and in all seasons. Very fortunate to live in this place that most people only visit once. I hope you and John are well. Keep on looking. G

  3. Love the beautiful photographs over the years of the similar places. That takes love and dedication to such beauty. I will take the foot specialist’s name-just in case-from a retired surgical RN! Thanks.

    • Thank you so much for your compliments, Norma. Dr. Janawak at Rio Grande Foot and Ankle, in Tao, Santa Fe and Los Alamos.

  4. Another series of photos showing the beauty of our state. Thanks for sharing them, they are always an inspiration.

  5. Lovely stuff up in the San Luis area. Just wondering if you or anyone else on this site have visited north as far as Browns Canyon Nat’al Monument in CO. Worth a visit for a couple of days? Thanks

    • Thanks for the compliments, Jay. I have been up nort that way many times over the years, on my way to point farther north. I did go into Browns canyon once many years ago. Cheers. G

    • You are very welcome Bob. That last trip was one of the best days, like the on the river with the coyote watching us. Thank you, Bob. G


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