Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Mammatus Clouds, The Rio Grande Gorge

Mammatus clouds (Read More) and sun setting at the Rio Grande Gorge, in Taos County, New Mexico.

After a road trip around the block (about 200 miles) yesterday we arrived back at the high bridge, overlooking the Rio Grande Gorge, and were greeted by this wonderful sight. There were some tourists on the bridge with phones doing their thing. The bachelor heard of bighorn sheep were munching alongside the parking lot. We had our intentions set on a fitting image to end our day trip. I like the way the shape of the clouds mirror the shape where the light and shadows meet on the opposite canyon wall. Thanks for looking. G


[wp_cart:Rio Grande Gorge Clouds B/W 5006-5016:price:[Available Sizes|8.5×11 inches $95,95|13×19 inches $155,155|17×22 inches $235,235|24×36 inches $475,475]:end]

4 thoughts on “Mammatus Clouds, The Rio Grande Gorge”

    • Thank you Carolyn, and you too Mike. Looking forward to seeing you both in August for a trip to the mountains. Maybe we’ll see some of this type of monsoon weather. G


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