Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Something Warm, Old, And Cold. 12-11-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week something warm, old, and cold. It’s as simple as that. I apologize for a short post this week. I’ve been busy shipping and delivering copies of my books, including archival paper prints, large archival canvas prints, and stock images. I still have a few signed copies of my book from this latest shipment, that can reach you by the holidays if ordered this week. They are also available from the Museum of New Mexico Press.

Something warm… although it was a cold morning when I made this image in the Bosque del Apache NWR.

Warm light on a cold morning, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Warm light on a cold morning, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.

Something old … not quite dead. The photo was taken of one of Pami’s floral arrangements shot a couple of years ago. I added the aged photo technique using a phone app and Photoshop.

sunflower in the throes of decay
Sunflower in the throes of decay.

Something cold … and also old … is one of the first pictures I shot on my first DSLR in March 2004, a Canon Rebel, 6 Mega-Pixel, prior to that I was still scanning 35mm slide film and black and white negatives and shooting digital on a 3.3 Mega-Pixel Nikon Coolpix.

El Prado snow fields
El Prado snow fields and horses.

As always thanks for looking. Have a great week. G

12 thoughts on “Something Warm, Old, And Cold. 12-11-2024”

  1. Amazing how good the Canon Rebel photo is. It was my first digital camera, too, after I finally gave in to go to the “dark side” from film. 🙂


    • The Rebel sufficed for a couple of years. Then the 20d and 30d, a wonderful model, followed by the original 5d and finally two 6d’s then I went to Sony.
      Thanks so much Paul. Keep your great shots coming. G

  2. Very nice images. I have really enjoyed my visits to Bosque del Apache. Your image taken there brings back great memories of my times there.

    • Thanks so much Larry. I haven’t been for a couple of years but maybe this winter. I tend to get to Monte Vista more often these days as it’s that much closer to, a couple of hours from door to door. But the Bosque is still an all time favorite. Happy holidays, Larry. G

  3. Hi not checked in for a while good to be back. Thankyou amazing how you capture the beauty in the not quite dead sunflower when others would discount it.

    • Hi Alison, welcome back. You saw in the sunflower much as I did, beauty in all things and stages of life. I hope you are well and had a good summer and fall. Happy holidays to you and your family. G

    • Thanks so much, Patrice. I’m glad you like it. Sunflowers are wonderful subjects for photography. They never complain. Happy holidays to you and your family. G

  4. Every photo brings delight.
    My iPhone’s software update has altered my email app causing me to miss items which I’m still trying to figure out


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