Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Spring Has Sprung Around Taos. 04-24-2024

Greetings from San Cristobal, NM. This week spring has sprung in the neighborhood. It seems overly eager to arrive this year.

Spring has sprung but Here’s a post from two years ago when it took just a little longer to arrive. Spring has a will of its own like an impetuous child.

I’m calling this creature, in the photo below, a Painted Lady butterfly although it could be some sort of moth. They are abundant in the garden right now.

Spring has sprung, San Cristobal
Spring has sprung in the garden, San Cristobal, NM.

Blossoms burst onto the scene a few days ago.

Blossoms in San Cristobal

In El Prado on the norhtside of Taos

Apple blossoms.

On numerous streets throughout the Taos Valley.

Plum and crab apple blossoms
Plum and crab apple blossoms, downtown Taos.

An Orchard in Taos

White blossoms
White blossoms.

Gate and blossoms at the Couse-Sharp Historic Site on Kit Carson Road, downtown Taos.

Gate and blossoms Kit Carson Road, Taos
Gate and Blossoms Kit Carson Road, Taos.

Snowy Egret and Spring blossoms at the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge rest area parking lot.

Cattle Egret and spring blossoms
Snowy Egret and spring blossoms.

Spring has sprung and the moon rises.

Moonrise and blossoms
Moonrise and blossoms, south of Taos.

The moon rising taken out the kitchen window.

April moon rise, San Cristobal, NM
April moon rise, San Cristobal, NM.

The image below was shot in mid-April 2007. It’s one of my favorite captures and collectible prints of Taos Cottonwoods. When I made this panoramic image, I stood in awe of what the chemistry of nature can accomplish. D.H. Lawrence’s words summed up the moment perfectly for me, albeit my picture is of the “fierce” evening light.

But the moment I saw the brilliant, proud morning shine up over the deserts of Santa Fe, something stood still in my soul, and I started to attend. There was a certain magnificence in the high-up day, a certain eagle-like royalty, so different from the equally pure, equally pristine and lovely morning of Australia, which is so soft, so utterly pure in its softness, and betrayed by green parrot flying. But in the lovely morning of Australia, one went into a dream. In the magnificent fierce morning of New Mexico, one sprang awake, a new part of the soul woke up suddenly, and the old world gave way to a new.” D.H. Lawrence.

High desert light.
Taos Pueblo Peak and Cottonwoods in the high desert light of Spring.

If you want to join me here in New Mexico, I’m booking dates from now through the rest of the year and beyond. I look forward to introducing you to some of my favorite locations in this area.

As always, thank you for looking. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Have a great week. G

2 thoughts on “Spring Has Sprung Around Taos. 04-24-2024”

    • Our days have been cold. The snow pack in the mountains is decent but we could use some of the rain you have. Not likely to happen. Thanks, Alison. G


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