Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Crescent Moon Set Over Cerro Pedernal

Crescent moon set over Cerro Pedernal near Abiquiu, New Mexico. I made this image from the foothills south of Taos. It’s a view I’ve enjoyed many times, though the crescent moon isn’t always present. Without the moon it is still a stunning vista. Cerro Pedernal, is also Spanish for “Flint Hill”, and, as it is known locally … “Georgia O’Keeffe’s Mountain.” Apparently god told Georgia that if she painted the mountain often enough it would become her mountain, or something to that effect. For me it is a peak where native people harvested flint for their tips and points, and a sight that can be seen prominently from many locations around northern New Mexico. Thanks for looking. G

Crescent Moon set over Cerro Pedernal

7 thoughts on “Crescent Moon Set Over Cerro Pedernal”

  1. Though the silhouette of the mountain and the clouds command more space, the sliver of the moon holds its own when competing for the viewer’s attention. Very pleasing colors, too.

  2. This is regarding Cerro Pedernal, today’s Photo of the Day, really striking. I’m wondering how you sell copies of these. Do you make a print, maybe a nice size 8X10 or double that size that could be framed? I believe that moon phase is called a ‘waxing crescent’……Jay

    • Thank you Jay. It is a waxing crescent for sure. I haven’t posted the link to purchase on online yet. I’ll send you an email with details, sizes and pricing. My best to you and Carolyn. G


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