Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Adobe abode taos new mexico abandoned building

When driving around looking for images to make, I’ll often find a place to pull over and return to what I saw. On occasion the scene I saw was created by the motion of objects passing more objects. Other times the pre-visualization comes together. I whipped past this scene of abandonment along the roadside. I’ve driven by it many times. It was pouring rain. The window caught my eye first but the muted colors are what appealed to me most. The fabric, the cockeyed rafters made for two whimsical elements, and the warm tones of the grasses added color and softness.
[wp_cart:Adobe Abode:price:[Available Sizes|8.5″ x 11″ $95,95|13″ x 19″ $155,155|17″ x 22″ $235,235,]:end]

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