Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Cerro Pedernal Sunset, from the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Taos, NM. Cerro Pedernal has possibly been photographed and painted, more than any other feature of the southwest landscape. Since “god” told Georgia O’Keeffe that it would become her mountain if she painted it enough, the peak, also known for the flint used in native tools, took on it’s own celebrity. The ‘peak’ can be seen, prominently, from many locations around northern New Mexico. When I am in Abiquiu, I can see the location where I made this image. Georgia O’Keeffe had the same view but I haven’t seen a painting of it! Here is a view from the Morada in Abiquiu across the plateau to Taos Mountain.Cerro Pedernal sunset from taos new mexico

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