Fine Art Images from the American Southwest

Tierra Amarilla, Northern New Mexico

Tierra Amarilla New Mexico. A building with graffiti referring to the Tierra Amarilla Courthouse raid 50 years ago on June 5, 1967.

Tierra Amarilla new mexico

Here are some links should you want to know more:
Chicanos, Aztlán and the Tierra Amarilla courthouse raid.
The Courthouse Raid Recalled
New Mexico marks 50th anniversary of Chicano courthouse raid
Remembering the Tierra Amarilla Courthouse Raid 50 Years Later: June 5, 1967
“Rousers of the Rabble”

Thanks for looking. G

[wp_cart:Tierra Amarillo 4883:price:[Available Sizes|8.5×11 inches $95,95|13×19 inches $155,155|17×22 inches $235,235|24×36 inches $475,475]:end]

6 thoughts on “Tierra Amarilla, Northern New Mexico”

  1. Wonderful picture, great links. There is a book – probably long out of print – called Tijerina and the Courthouse Raid that follows this action and explores the philosophy and stance of the resistors. When I first lived in Taos in 1981, there was a day that a small group of protesters went marching down the main road, chanting, holding signs, demanding to be heard. Damned if it wasn’t Tijerina. I was star struck. He was portrayed as a buffoon by the establishment, but was a brilliant, charismatic, passionate man who lived with deep purpose. May we all be so courageous.

    Anyway. Very much enjoying your photography and appreciate your generosity, Geraint. It was a privilege to meet you once, many many years ago.

    • Thank you Jocelyn. What a great story and moment. I believe I know that book and will try to find it. I trust you are well. Best to you. Geraint

    • Thanks Rob. I thought it would be enlightening after I read them. I knew about this from long ago. I enjoyed a refresh myself. G


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